Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Homemade Bread...mmmm...

Have you ever tried making bread from
your friend's recipe because you tasted
the bread they made and it was delicious?
I tried that several months ago and sadly
failed at it...BUT...Grandma came to my rescue,
showed me some tricks and things are only going up!
Only wish you were here to taste it!


Brooke said...

It was good talking to you the other day. That bread sure looks yummy! I was actually wanting to make some homemade bread myself. Can you pass along the recipe you used or is it a secret?

Becca Bell said...

Wow, look at you being all domestic! That's cool. I love homemade bread! You can send me some in the mail!! I'll eat it.

tina said...

You are so adorable!!! Can grandma help me out too??

Shaina said...

Once again, Janelle looks cute whatever she does. When I bake I usually end up looking like I got in a fight with all of the ingredients ganging up on me at once.

Sarah said...

I love homemade bread! My girlfriend just made me some cause I took her pictures and it lasted a day - maybe. It's one of those things that once you start eating eat, you just can't stop!

Shaina said...

Janelle, I don't have your email address! If you have mine, send me an email. If not, call me!